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Hi there, I'm Lila.

When I started my studies in game design, I had no idea how seamlessly it would integrate with my previous studies in computer science. It provided me with a platform to blend my affinity for logical problem-solving with the realm of creative expression.

Game design, to me, opens up a vast expanse of possibilities: from the intricacies of technical implementation to the realms of visual and systemic design, all the way to collaborative teamwork in a nurturing environment. I thrive in an atmosphere that fosters open-mindedness and effective communication. Quite often, I find myself acting as a bridge between various departments, aiding them in harmonious collaboration.

I enjoy the challenge of acquiring new skills, perpetually seeking avenues to enhance my abilities. Once I'm invested in a task, I'm determined to see it through to completion. Crafting the ultimate experience for my audience brings me immense joy, as there's truly nothing quite like witnessing people delight in something you've poured your heart and soul into.

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